Monday, February 22, 2010


I have found the motherload. I have found the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services list of household produccts containing Methylisothiazolinone.
This is so incredibly awesome.  Look at this! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hair and Make-up

First off the good news. Neutrogena Shampoos and Conditioners do not contain Methylisothiazolinone, the chemical I am so desperately allergic to. This is part of the Isothiazolinone Mix. I will post a complete ingredient list once I purchase the stuff. I need more moisture for my hair, it is getting frizzy.

On the down side, I am having more difficulty than one would believe in finding the ingredients in a variety of common foundations. Don't worry though, I am  going to hunt them down and post them.